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Xtreeme MailXpert Standard Edition 3.0

Xtreeme MailXpert Standard Edition Xtreeme MailXpert Standard Edition 3.0

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Xtreeme MailXpert Standard Edition Publisher's Description

Mail processing software for Windows. Using this application you can create discussion mailing lists and autoresponders, send bulk mails to your customers and more. Message personalization ("Dear John" instead of "Dear Customer"), fast sending engine, built-in SMTP server (no need to use your ISP's), HTML and plain text messages and much more...
- Three built-in wizards let you create a discussion forum, an auto responder or a news board without hassle by answering a couple of questions.
- Built-in SMTP server.
- Personalize messages to your users (including HTML emails), e.g. "Dear John" instead of "Dear Customer".
- Support for HTML and plain text.
- Customizable HTML and plain-text digests available at a single mouse click.
- Due to the architecture based on message rules, you can easily fine-tune the generated mailing lists to suit your particular needs or create new types of email services from scratch.
- Integrated backup/restore of application's data files.
The application installs and runs on any Windows operating system. All you need is a POP3 account and a machine with access to the Internet. A mere dial-up access will suffice; the application will automatically connect and disconnect whenever necessary.

What's New in Version 3.0 of Xtreeme MailXpert Standard Edition

WYSIWYG HTML message editor, Automatic bounce (returned message) handling for invalid email addresses, Ability to add list tags (e.g. [MYLIST]) to subjects of messages sent to a list, Easy way to test mail settings (POP3/SMTP), More flexible way to search for subscribers,

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